This is a good way to get some cash and let go of items you no longer need. I recommend getting the pre-printed price stickers and signs ahead of your sale. This way you can price items ahead of time. Make sure you have a box of money so you can make change, nobody ever has the exact amount of cash needed. Check the weather to ensure you will not have a rain-out. Advertise starting 3 days before using a few different social media sites. Place signs out 20 minutes before your sale begins. Have donuts and coffee ready. Be flexible in price especially if they purchase a lot of items. However, feel free to be firm when needed and say items are already priced low. Afterwards, if you only have a few boxes of items box them up and drop them off for donation. Ask yourself were these items accumulation of stuff over time or do you need to set some ordering boundaries? Maybe you wait 24 hours before purchasing items to be sure you need them. Or maybe you need to participate in no-buy January and no-buy July. Not buying items for 30 days can be telling to what you need and what you spend frivolously. Hope you have a successful Garage Sale.
What will you do differently moving forward to ensure you don’t by excess stuff?