This is a place to unwind and also get ready for exciting events. It can be a zen place that supports you if it is absent of clutter. Go through this space and get rid of expired toiletry items. Also, get rid of items you haven’t used in a year. You only really need 1 backup for items you use daily. Toilet paper may be the exception but you don’t need a lifetime supply in your home, it does deteriorate. Go through your towels and get rid of worn ones. Once you see all the items you are getting rid of make a note of excess items so you don’t purchase those again. You only want to replace the items you are actively using when you are running low on them. You don’t want to care for items you don’t need; you have to put batteries in them, dust them, change the filter, etc. The fewer items you have the more time and space you have. Let your home take care of you.